Well Designed Jewelry Billboard

At first glance, she’s giving you the one finger salute.  When you look again, you realize it’s not exactly the right finger. This billboard for Robbins Diamonds is both effective and funny, and I can imagine there are a lot of ladies out there who appreciate the help of encouraging their boyfriends to ‘put a ring on it.’

What do you think of this billboard? Talk about it in the comments section below!

Feel free to , link to, or otherwise share this post:
Check out the “Well Designed Jewelry Billboard” post on Adam’s Advertising Blog: http://wp.me/pNbki-4h

American Psycho Billboard

If you’ve seen American Psycho, you’ll understand while this Billboard is so well done.  Check out the image below (click it to view it larger).

Advertising Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Auckland, New Zealand
Creative Director: Mike O’Sullivan
Art Director: Anthony Hatton
Copywriter: Robbie Brammall
Published: February 2008

Credit to Ads of the World for the ad’s info.

Share your thoughts on the billboard in the comments section below!

Feel free to tweet, link to, or otherwise share this post:
Check out the “American Psycho Billboard” post on Adam’s Advertising Blog: http://wp.me/pNbki-32

IKEA Subway Promotion

From March 10-24, Parisian subways travelers will get to experience a truly unique type of advertising.  Swedish furniture maker IKEA has developed an interesting marketing and advertising “event” in four of the larger metro stations. Consumers can interact with furniture collections first-hand while they are on display, giving the potential customers a chance to try out the products. Additionally, the station walls behind each furniture set-up are  filled with large prints that offer ideas for IKEA interiors, as well as promote the actual product branding.

I think that the idea is very unique, however I feel that vandalism could occur.  This could turn out to be an extremely successful campaign, or a total flop; I’m rooting for option 1.

Check out the pictures below:

Thanks to Freshome for the original post.  Check out their site for additional photos of this promo campaign.

What do you think of IKEA’s latest promotion campaign?  Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

Feel free to tweet, link to, or otherwise share this post:
Check out the “IKEA Subway Promotion” post on Adam’s Advertising Blog: http://wp.me/pNbki-2n

Sao Paulo, Brazil is Outdoor Ad Free

It may be old news, but it sure is something to think about…

Sao Paulo, the largest city in Brazil, is ad free.  From the original article on Web Urbanist: “In September of 2007, the world’s fourth-largest metropolis was scrubbed of almost every type of outdoor advertising– even pamphlets. It’s all part of mayor Gilberto Kassab’s quest to eliminate visual clutter, making the city itself the focal point rather than colorful, increasingly desperate marketing campaigns.”  Check out the video below to see some before-and-after shots:

While I understand the reasoning behind the decision, I still feel that it is extreme.  Advertising can be art, and when it isn’t obtrusive or offensive I don’t mind (and often enjoy) looking at it.  Read the original article (linked above) for more details and photos.

What do you think of the city’s decision?  Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

Feel free to tweet, link to, or otherwise share this post:
Check out the “Sao Paulo, Brazil is Outdoor Ad Free” post on Adam’s Advertising Blog: http://wp.me/pNbki-28

Unconventional Billboard Advertising

It takes a lot to capture people’s attention nowadays.  Advertisers are often tasked to design something creative and out of the ordinary.  Check out the fantastic collection of billboards that were clearly designed by some very clever advertisers:

“Clever and Creative Billboard Advertising” on Toxel.com

Creative Kill Bill Billboard Ad

Tell me what you think of these billboards in the comment section below!

Feel free to tweet, link to, or otherwise share this post:
Check out the “Unconventional Billboard Ads” post on Adam’s Advertising Blog: http://wp.me/pNbki-1n